[기타]2024학년도 KU Graduate School Achievement Award 시행 안내
2025.01.07 Views 1079
안녕하십니까 고려대학교 대학원행정팀입니다.
본 대학원에서는 본교 대학원생의 뛰어난 학문적, 사회적 업적을 발굴 및 격려함으로써 성취 의욕을 고취하기 위하여 연 1회 대학원생 대상의 KU Graduate School Achievement Award를 시행하고 있습니다.
2025학년도 대상자 선발 및 시상식을 다음과 같이 진행할 예정이오니 관심있는 학생분들께서는 신청해주시기 바랍니다.
1. 지원자격: 2024학년도 2학기 기준 일반대학원 및 전문대학원 재학생(수료연구재학생도 신청 가능)
2. 지원분야(붙임 파일(안내문)의 지원자격 및 방법 참조)
3. 지원방법: 2025년 1월 20일(월) 10:00AM까지 온라인 설문을 통하여 제출
1) [KOR] https://forms.gle/BdAtHUg4Matk9DWx9
2) [ENG] https://forms.gle/ZCngJLAQDkJHd2Jj6
4. 제출서류: 지도교수 추천서(붙임 양식) 1부, 신청사유서(붙임 양식) 1부, 실적리스트(붙임 양식) 1부, 증빙(zip) 1부
※ 제출 서류 작성 유의사항: 반드시 붙임 파일(안내문) 확인
5. 시상식 일정: 2025년 2월 20일(목) 14:00, 백주년기념삼성관 국제원격회의실 (상황에 따라 변경될 수 있음)
6. 시상 내용: 상장, 상패 및 소정의 부상 수여, 수상자 명단은 대학원도서관 1층에 게시 예정
양식 다운로드 링크: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1pgGHtK8Qbq05-WwCPfz0L1hOG-c5kQGW?usp=sharing
** 공지사항에 첨부된 양식과 동일함
Greetings, this is the Graduate School Administration Team of Korea University.
We are pleased to announce that the **KU Graduate School Achievement Award** will be held to discover and encourage outstanding academic and social achievements of our graduate students, thereby fostering a spirit of accomplishment.
The selection process and award ceremony for the 2024 academic year will be conducted as follows. Interested students are encouraged to apply.
1. Eligibility: Graduate students enrolled in the general or professional graduate school as of the second semester of the 2024 academic year (including research students who have completed coursework).
2. Application Fields: Please refer to the attached guideline document for eligibility and application methods.
3. Application Method: Submit the online application form by 10:00 AM on January 20, 2025 (Monday)
1) [KOR] https://forms.gle/BdAtHUg4Matk9DWx9
2) [ENG] https://forms.gle/ZCngJLAQDkJHd2Jj6
4. Required Documents:
- 1 copy of the Supervisor’s Recommendation Letter (attached form)
- 1 copy of the Application Statement (attached form)
- 1 copy of the Performance List (attached form)
- 1 zip file of supporting documents
**Note** Please review the attached guideline document carefully for detailed instructions on completing the required documents.
5. Award Ceremony: Scheduled for 2:00 PM on February 20, 2025 (Thursday) at the International Remote Conference Room, Centennial Memorial Samsung Hall (subject to change).
6. Award Details: Award certificate, plaque, and a token of appreciation. The list of awardees will be displayed on the first floor of the Graduate School Library.
Link for application forms: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1pgGHtK8Qbq05-WwCPfz0L1hOG-c5kQGW?usp=sharing
본 대학원에서는 본교 대학원생의 뛰어난 학문적, 사회적 업적을 발굴 및 격려함으로써 성취 의욕을 고취하기 위하여 연 1회 대학원생 대상의 KU Graduate School Achievement Award를 시행하고 있습니다.
2025학년도 대상자 선발 및 시상식을 다음과 같이 진행할 예정이오니 관심있는 학생분들께서는 신청해주시기 바랍니다.
1. 지원자격: 2024학년도 2학기 기준 일반대학원 및 전문대학원 재학생(수료연구재학생도 신청 가능)
2. 지원분야(붙임 파일(안내문)의 지원자격 및 방법 참조)
3. 지원방법: 2025년 1월 20일(월) 10:00AM까지 온라인 설문을 통하여 제출
1) [KOR] https://forms.gle/BdAtHUg4Matk9DWx9
2) [ENG] https://forms.gle/ZCngJLAQDkJHd2Jj6
4. 제출서류: 지도교수 추천서(붙임 양식) 1부, 신청사유서(붙임 양식) 1부, 실적리스트(붙임 양식) 1부, 증빙(zip) 1부
※ 제출 서류 작성 유의사항: 반드시 붙임 파일(안내문) 확인
5. 시상식 일정: 2025년 2월 20일(목) 14:00, 백주년기념삼성관 국제원격회의실 (상황에 따라 변경될 수 있음)
6. 시상 내용: 상장, 상패 및 소정의 부상 수여, 수상자 명단은 대학원도서관 1층에 게시 예정
양식 다운로드 링크: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1pgGHtK8Qbq05-WwCPfz0L1hOG-c5kQGW?usp=sharing
** 공지사항에 첨부된 양식과 동일함
Greetings, this is the Graduate School Administration Team of Korea University.
We are pleased to announce that the **KU Graduate School Achievement Award** will be held to discover and encourage outstanding academic and social achievements of our graduate students, thereby fostering a spirit of accomplishment.
The selection process and award ceremony for the 2024 academic year will be conducted as follows. Interested students are encouraged to apply.
1. Eligibility: Graduate students enrolled in the general or professional graduate school as of the second semester of the 2024 academic year (including research students who have completed coursework).
2. Application Fields: Please refer to the attached guideline document for eligibility and application methods.
3. Application Method: Submit the online application form by 10:00 AM on January 20, 2025 (Monday)
1) [KOR] https://forms.gle/BdAtHUg4Matk9DWx9
2) [ENG] https://forms.gle/ZCngJLAQDkJHd2Jj6
4. Required Documents:
- 1 copy of the Supervisor’s Recommendation Letter (attached form)
- 1 copy of the Application Statement (attached form)
- 1 copy of the Performance List (attached form)
- 1 zip file of supporting documents
**Note** Please review the attached guideline document carefully for detailed instructions on completing the required documents.
5. Award Ceremony: Scheduled for 2:00 PM on February 20, 2025 (Thursday) at the International Remote Conference Room, Centennial Memorial Samsung Hall (subject to change).
6. Award Details: Award certificate, plaque, and a token of appreciation. The list of awardees will be displayed on the first floor of the Graduate School Library.
Link for application forms: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1pgGHtK8Qbq05-WwCPfz0L1hOG-c5kQGW?usp=sharing